Sunday, January 26, 2014

City of Troy

Another day in Dino Paradise

Gets 920 military. City of Troy. 

Aquarius Statue

Another day in Dino Paradise

I got Aquarius statue. Can have multiple this time but it's 12 hour wait. 

Monday, January 20, 2014

Epic Archaeo

Another day in Dino Paradise

epic archaeo hatching. 13 hours.

Takoyaki Shop

Another day in Dino Paradise

3rd upgrade for pineapple palace

Another day in Dino Paradise

3rd upgrade for pineapple palace

Bone hut

Another day in Dino Paradise

Bone Hut

Fairy's Library

Another day in Dino Paradise

Fairy's Library 

Panic Palm

Another day in Dino Paradise

Panic palm. Nothing special. Cost a lot of material to build. Needed for mission.

Dino opera

Another day in Dino Paradise

I don't really like Dino opera much but had to build one for mission. 

Friday, January 10, 2014

Spartan stadium upgrade (final)

Another day in Dino Paradise

Final spartan stadium upgrade. 


Another day in Dino Paradise


3 bijous! 3 silver coin. Here is what you get. 

6 crown ptero

Another day in Dino Paradise

Here is what you get when evolving 5 crown Dino. See the stats below:

King of fighters

Another day in Dino Paradise

Congratulations to the winners! I tried and didn't even get close. But I did get an rare cerato egg and some prize. 


Another day in Dino Paradise

3 shells!
3 silver coin required. 

Capricorn statue - bijous

Another day in Dino Paradise

New zodiac statue that produces bijous.

Finally have enough heart of beryl to get this one. I had to skip the last one. 

Here is what's required:

Here is how to make the materials:

I need to save the bijous to buy the 5 crown dragon egg.